Friday, May 1, 2009

Rwanda Update

For those of you who are interested in our adoption process, here's the scoop:

We have selected our organization, America World Adoption Association.
We have selected our country: Rwanda
We have selected the gender: Boy
and the age: Less than 6 months old

We want so badly to jump into the "official" process, but need to wait until I get a job so we can afford it!

I am not going to get a job for the summer since we have so many youth group events/trips and family vacations planned.

SO, if all goes according to plan (and things rarely do!) we will submit our official application in September.

Since we decided to adopt in November, this year has been a good lesson on patience and waiting on the Lord. I want so badly to bring our baby home, but know that it is all in God's hands and in His timing.

In the meanwhile, we've met (via the internet) other families who have gone down this path, or are currently going through the process. Hearing their stories gives us something to look forward to!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

We are currently in the process of adopting from Rwanda (we just applied)! I have enjoyed reading your blog and wanted you to know that I have started a Twibe on Twitter for anyone who has adopted from Rwanda or is currently in the process. It will serve as a sort of "network" for all those Rwanda adoption families. Feel free to pass the link along to any other families you come across:

Just started a Twibe. Visit . . . to join!

Blessings to you and yours as you journey down this road~ Kelly